Horse Health

Antibiotics and the Equine Microbiome

“My horse has been on antibiotics and now has soft droppings and seems a bit bloated, do you think there is a connection?”

To try to answer this, I have looked at the scientific literature to gain an understanding of the research surrounding antibiotics and their impact on the equine microbiome.

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EquiNectar Success Story: A Horse Owner’s Journey to Colic-Free Living

One of our customers, Rachel Shields, sent us this touching story: “Unfortunately we have the worst experience of gas colic. Our mare MiMi had gas colic several times leading up to March 2021 when she had a particularly bad episode which led to her being admitted to our local equine hospital. This wasn’t the first time she had been there and on the previous occasion she was monitored and then came home, but this time was different, from the tests and scans we were advised that if we didn’t operate she would need to be put to sleep.

EquiNectar Success Story: A Horse Owner’s Journey to Colic-Free Living Read More »

A Customer’s Journey with EquiNectar and Overcoming Colic Challenges

A Customer’s Journey with EquiNectar and Overcoming Colic Challenges EquiNectar customer since 2020, Debra Holland kindly shared her story with us. “Having owned Leo, my 17hh Trakehner, ex show jumping competition horse since 2011 when he was 11 years old and realising from the outset that he was an internal worrier, I’ve been on a

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Caring for Underweight Horses: Tips and Strategies

Caring for Underweight Horses: Tips and Strategies Caring for underweight horses can be difficult because the horse needs a combination of dietary and management strategies to gain weight and stay healthy. A horse may be underweight for many reasons, such as not getting enough calories, being stressed or in pain, or having a disease. In

Caring for Underweight Horses: Tips and Strategies Read More »

Laminitis and the microbiome- what are the links?

Laminitis is a condition seen in animals with hooves, where there is inflammation of the lamella with ultimate failure of the suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx. Most studies have been on horses although donkeys, goats and bovines may also be affected. Several factors appear to be involved in the development of the condition which

Laminitis and the microbiome- what are the links? Read More »

Changes in the gut microbiome and colic in horses: Are they causes or consequences?

A useful review which highlights the complexities of understanding the involvement of the microbiome in equine colic. Several different factors are involved in the expression of the gut microbiome in any individual horse and there can be wide variation even in healthy animals. Contributions from the diet and from the environment are known to be important

Changes in the gut microbiome and colic in horses: Are they causes or consequences? Read More »