
Winter Colic: How Cold Weather Increases the Risk of Digestive Issues in Horses

Winter poses unique risks for horses, including an increased likelihood of colic. Reduced water intake, reliance on dry feeds like hay, and limited exercise can disrupt gut function, leading to impaction or gas colic. Sudden changes in routine and cold-induced stress further exacerbate these risks. Preventive measures include ensuring hydration with warmed water, providing high-quality forage, maintaining regular exercise, and supporting gut health with digestive aids like EquiNectar.

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Human vs. Equine Weight Management: Parallels and Misconceptions

Weight management is a complex issue that affects both humans and horses, revealing fascinating parallels despite their physiological differences. This blog explores how metabolic processes, dietary needs, and activity levels influence weight management in both species. From understanding calorie intake to debunking common feeding misconceptions, we highlight the shared challenges of maintaining a healthy weight. Discover how environmental factors and individual variations play a crucial role in achieving optimal health, whether for a human or an equine companion.

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Pros and cons of feeding haylage

Haylage for Horses: An In-Depth Guide

Haylage is a specially prepared forage with a high dry matter content of over 40%, making it a preferred choice for horses as well as various farm livestock. Its production focuses on achieving a minimal dry matter content to ensure a lower reliance on fermentation for preservation, thus minimising the risk of Clostridia contamination.

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