Hindgut Disease

EquiNectar’s Enzymes Tackle Toxins

Dr. Rosemary Waring is a renowned expert in equine health and a co-founder of EquiNectar, a leading company dedicated to improving horse nutrition and digestive health. With a background in veterinary science and extensive research in equine nutrition, Dr. Waring has made significant contributions to our understanding of endotoxins and their impact on horses. Her expertise and dedication to equine health have made her a respected authority in the field. Here we present answers to questions about endotoxins and hindgut disease.

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How a Wet Summer and the Autumn Grass Flush Can Worsen the Signs of Hindgut Disease

The unpredictable nature of the UK weather has taken a toll on horse health this year, with a wet summer and subsequent lush autumn growth exacerbating the risks of hindgut disease. In this article, we delve into how the unusual weather patterns have influenced fructan levels in pastures, the implications for equine hindgut health, and practical strategies for horse owners to mitigate these risks.

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The Hidden Battle: Understanding Hindgut Disease in Horses

The health of a horse’s digestive system is critical in the broad field of equestrian care. Although it is not visible, the hindgut is an important part of this system and can have a major impact on a horse’s performance, attitude, and general health when it is ill. Maintaining the balance of the gut microbiome is essential for hindgut health. This article will discuss the causes, signs, and effects of hindgut disease as well as the importance of the microbiome to a horse’s general health.

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