Horse of the Week – STAR



"This is my horse - Star. She is a 13yo Irish Draft.

Unfortunately, with the rate of grass growth this year, Star has suffered a few episodes of spasmodic colic.

A recent episode required a short stay at the vets. Our vet reached the conclusion that the grass was the cause of the colic episodes and suggested that we give EquiNectar a try.

I took the vet’s recommendation and initially ordered a 5L barrel. This quickly made a difference.  She seems to be much better in general now she is on the wonder supplement, back to her old self and although she’s on restricted grazing, she’s managing to keep everything ticking over nicely. 

Although I could do without her kicking of the door out of sheer impatience at feeding time because she absolutely loves it. She licks the bowl clean every time!"

Katie, Star's owner