12 benefits of optimising a horse’s gut microbiome

The gastrointestinal health of horses is a cornerstone of their overall wellbeing and performance. A well-functioning digestive system, supported by an optimised gut microbiome, plays a pivotal role in the health, mood, and physical capabilities of these magnificent animals. The balance and diversity of the gut microbiome are not just about digestion; they have far-reaching implications for a horse's entire physiological state. From nutrient absorption to immune response, and from coat quality to behavioural aspects, the benefits of a healthy gut are manifold. Here are 12 significant improvements that can be observed in horses when their gut function is enhanced and their microbiome is optimised:

1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Better gut function ensures more efficient absorption of nutrients, which is crucial for overall health and performance.

2. Improved Energy Levels: With optimal digestion, horses can better convert food into energy, leading to increased stamina and vitality.

3. Stronger Immune System: A healthy gut microbiome is linked to a robust immune system, helping horses fend off illnesses more effectively.

4. Better Quality of Coat: Nutrient absorption affects the quality of a horse's coat, making it shinier and healthier with a well-functioning gut.

5. Reduced Risk of Colic: Proper gut function can lower the incidence of digestive disturbances like colic, a common and serious issue in horses.

6. Enhanced Mood and Behaviour: Gut health is closely linked to mood and behaviour; horses with better gut function often show improved temperament and reduced stress.

7. Optimal Weight Management: Efficient digestion and nutrient absorption help maintain an ideal body weight, preventing obesity or underweight issues.

8. Improved Faecal Quality: A healthy gut results in more consistent and well-formed faecal matter, indicating good digestive health.

9. Reduced Risk of Laminitis: A healthy gut microbiome plays a critical role in reducing the risk of laminitis by managing the fermentation processes in the hindgut, thereby mitigating the production of harmful toxins and acids.

10. Enhanced Feed Efficiency: Horses with optimised gut function utilise their feed more effectively, leading to cost savings on feed.

11. Reduced Inflammatory Responses: A balanced microbiome can lower systemic inflammation, contributing to overall health and longevity.

12. Better Recovery Post-Exercise: Improved gut function aids in faster recovery after strenuous exercise, essential for sport horses.




EquiNectar® is a natural feed supplement, that is scientifically proven to:

  • Re-balance your horse’s gut bacteria
  • Help your horse maximise benefits from its feed
  • Improve your horse’s condition


More information

EquiNectar® is produced by Tharos Ltd in the UK. It is a natural source of digestive enzymes and contains only the following ingredients:

  • Our patented enzyme rich malt extract
  • Medium chain triglycerides (from coconut oil)
  • Potassium sorbate

For more details of the enzymes within EquiNectar® take a look at the ingredients and enzymes page.


How to feed

Simply add EquiNectar® to your horse's daily feed, using the Feeding Rate chart to determine the correct amount.

For detailed instructions about how to introduce EquiNectar, please read the comprehensive Feeding Guide page.


1 thought on “12 benefits of optimising a horse’s gut microbiome”

  1. Hallo,
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    Hij krijgt 2x per dag. 3/4 kg Easy Impact brok van Florian, plm 300gr Senior van Hartog en heeft de hele dag beschikking over droog hooi. Beweging in een ruime binnen paddock bij slecht weer en een buitenpaddock bij goed weer, zomers een paar uur weidegang… En natuurlijk wordt er gelongeerd, gereden met af en toe een buitenrit. Ook de trailer geeft hem stress, heb helaas een paar keer flink moeten remmen door weggebruikers die zomaar ineens uit een zijweg komen of fietsers die nergens naar kijken….. Kunt u mij helpen om mijn maatje van bijna 1.80m helemaal van zijn vervelende klachten af helpen? Ik heb al kapitalen uitgegeven zonder resultaat of een paar weken resultaat…..

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