Scientific Studies

The Effect of Feeding Horses a High Fiber Diet With or Without Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation on Nutrient Digestion, Blood Chemistry, Fecal Coliform Count, and In Vitro Fecal Fermentation

A study exploring the use of exogenous enzymes and their effects on digestion, blood chemistry, fecal coliform count and in vitro fecal fermentation. Results demonstrate that xylanase, cellulase or a mix of xylanase and cellulase, have an impact on digestion and the hindgut microbiome. View full study published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science

The Effect of Feeding Horses a High Fiber Diet With or Without Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation on Nutrient Digestion, Blood Chemistry, Fecal Coliform Count, and In Vitro Fecal Fermentation Read More »

Equine Veterinary Journal – Characterisation of the faecal metabolome and microbiome of Thoroughbred racehorses

We conducted this study with Dr Chris Proudman of the University of Surrey Veterinary School, to investigate the effect of EquiNectar on the metabolome and microbiome of racehorses. We discovered that EquiNectar had significant impacts.

Equine Veterinary Journal – Characterisation of the faecal metabolome and microbiome of Thoroughbred racehorses Read More »