"This is Max. He has a previous history of glandular gastric ulcers. We started EquiNectar as he had a bout of being colicky and uncomfortable earlier on this year. When he visited the vets he was scoped - which was was clear. He had an ultrasound which showed a mild thickening of his intestines.

We were advised at that point to start him on EquiNectar, to support his hindgut, as he isn’t able to have steroids due to having issues with laminitis in the past and EMS/Cushings.

He was re scanned two months later which showed that his intestine issues were resolved. We paid close attention to his management and added EquiNectar. These were the only things we did differently.

I think supporting his digestion and gut microbiome with EquiNectar has contributed to Max being back to his happy self."

Jemma, Max's owner