EquiNectar’s transformative impact on Therapy Horses

Customer Success Story

EquiNectar’s transformative impact on Therapy Horses:

A conversation with Bekah Maxwell

At EquiNectar, we revel in the stories and experiences of our valued customers. Today, we're turning the spotlight onto The Equivalent Project CIC, an admirable community interest company spearheaded by Bekah Maxwell. Join us as we explore the transformative journey of three therapy horses using EquiNectar.

EquiNectar: Hi Bekah, could you enlighten us about The Equivalent Project and the work you’re doing, especially with the therapy horses?

Bekah Maxwell: Of course! The Equivalent Project predominantly works with young individuals aged 9+ who are navigating through mental health challenges and require support with Special Educational Needs (SEN). We’ve executed various successful grant-funded projects, witnessing profound growth in children, particularly those dealing with self-harm and selective mutism. They’ve transitioned from being closed down and scared to becoming confident and vibrant young people, finding unity and support in the horses and each other. It’s genuinely the best job in the world!

EquiNectar: That’s incredibly inspiring! How did EquiNectar come into the picture, and what prompted you to give it a go?

Bekah Maxwell: We were introduced to EquiNectar when three of our therapy horses were being treated for ulcers. Among them was Milly Moon, an ex-racehorse and my true heart horse, who has been with me for 16 months. Larry, a lean 17.2hh ex-racehorse, and Spicy, a 5-year-old Thoroughbred, who was nearly euthanized, joined us more recently. The transformation with EquiNectar has been nothing short of remarkable!

EquiNectar: Could you delve into the specific transformations you’ve witnessed in your horses since they started on EquiNectar?

Bekah Maxwell: Certainly! Larry, who was lean and struggled to gain weight, has blossomed in the last 4-5 weeks with EquiNectar. Milly Moon had turned a little sour to therapy, but I am pleased to say she is now happy to be groomed by our students once again. As for Spicy, who had initial settling issues, EquiNectar has worked wonders. We were very uncertain as to whether she would make it as a therapy horse, her journey has been somewhat precarious, so witnessing her incredible transformation has been truly heartwarming, she is now calm, happy, and emerging as a phenomenal therapy horse!

EquiNectar: We learned that Milly Moon had a brush with death but was helped by EquiNectar. Could you share more about that experience?

Bekah Maxwell: Indeed, it was a harrowing time. Milly Moon experienced impaction colic that led to nephrosplenic entrapment. The only method that worked to get her to drink and eat was by incorporating EquiNectar. It was a life-saver. Since then, every aspect of her has brightened, she looks amazing, and her happiness is palpable!

EquiNectar: It’s touching to hear how EquiNectar has brought about such positive change. How would you say it has influenced the work at The Equivalent Project?

Bekah Maxwell: EquiNectar has played a pivotal role. The transformation in the horses has not only elevated their health but also enriched their interactions with the students. The horses health and welfare here at The Equivalent Project is paramount and the horses are allowed to freely choose to partake or decline in sessions, so observing horses like Larry becoming more engaged, Milly Moon choosing willingly to interact with students once more, and most impressively, Spicy evolving from a neurotic, challenging and hot to handle into an incredible therapy horse is immensely rewarding. We are enthusiastic advocates of your product and will happily proclaim its benefits far and wide!

Bekah Maxwell’s narrative is a shining endorsement of the transformative prowess of EquiNectar. The physical and behavioural metamorphosis in Milly Moon, Larry, and Spicy highlight the significant impact EquiNectar can impart on equine well-being, subsequently aiding the remarkable efforts at The Equivalent Project CIC. If you have your own EquiNectar story, we are eager to hear it!

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The Equivalent Project is under threat of closure due to emergency vet bills. Can you help with a small donation to keep this valuable organisation running?