We are delighted to share a lovely story from our customer, Diane Marshall:
"I have a 10 year old ISH 17hh gelding Nelson who I bought as a rising 5 year old. For 3.5 years we had the best time - he is a phenomenal hunter and we also did a bit of low level competing and also team chased. All was very good.
Then in the summer of 2021 things just didn’t feel quite right, he wasn’t lame, but I had a niggle that his movement wasn’t right. He was stumbling and would “lose” a back leg fairly regularly. I took him to see the Osteopathic Vet who told me he thought many of his issues could be gut related and that I should restrict his grass intake.

I didn’t really do that as ours live out 24/7 in the summer and I thought it was such a lovely stress free life for them. A month later he went lame behind, but after numerous tests an equine hospital diagnosed a tear in his front right suspensory, despite me still feeling the real issue was coming from behind and felt “compensatory”.
When I mentioned the connection between right hind lameness and gut issues I was kind of ignored! He was turned away for the winter and that’s when the colic episodes began. He had two on consecutive nights in Dec 2021 when our vets came out, medicated him and prescribed Sucraflate. They ran extensive blood tests which showed a high tapeworm burden, despite him having been wormed.
So we thought that’s what it was and wormed him again. He colicked again twice in May 2022 and has since had 5 more episodes, the worst of which was September 2022 when he ended up at Oakham Equine hospital for 4 days with a displaced colon. Fortunately, it moved back without surgery but he came home with Grade 4 bleeding ulcers no doubt made worse by the necessary starvation to move the gas. He colicked again in October, and then it started again this February, April & May. The last time he colicked in May, he was on restricted turnout and was wearing a grazing muzzle. Although we have become quite good at dealing with these gas colics, to say I was at my wits end was an understatement. This horse means the world to me but I was beginning to think it was inevitable that we were going to lose him to one of these episodes. Other than condemning him to a life indoors, which he would hate, I couldn’t see a solution. He was on a number of supplements, and we had tried nearly all of them. Some helped, but they didn’t stop the colic.
Then we found EquiNectar in a Facebook group I was following. I ordered it and then called to speak to the company about it before starting Nelson on it. I had the most patient, reassuring, logical conversation with Ben Nedas that I couldn’t wait to start using it. I have a science background and his explanation of how it worked in giving horses the enzymes they need to properly digest grass (very long explanation short!) made complete sense to me. He and I both had high hopes that EquiNectar would help Nelson. I started him on it in early May as part of a comprehensive feed and lifestyle overhaul. There is no doubt in my mind that it has made a massive difference to him. There are so many positive changes, but the most significant are:
- less bloated
- movement improving all the time
- no excessive gut noises
- less food orientated (hence has lost some excess weight)
- happy to be groomed on his stomach
- laying down more to sleep
- less stiff behind
- better for farrier
- more relaxed generally
This product has been a total game changer for us, I have my old happy boy back and I am beginning to relax about him living a normal lifestyle (currently out grazing for 6hours each day). Ben has been such a huge support and has checked in for regular updates on him. He has never pushed the product but he is absolutely passionate about how it can help. I have never met any company representative who is more committed to genuinely helping people with their horses. I am not paid or sponsored by EquiNectar, I am just hugely grateful to have found it."
Do you have an EquiNectar success story to share? Please get in touch.
EquiNectar® is a natural feed supplement, that is scientifically proven to:
- Re-balance your horse’s gut bacteria
- Help your horse maximise benefits from its feed
- Improve your horse’s condition
More information
EquiNectar® is produced by Tharos Ltd in the UK. It is a natural source of digestive enzymes and contains only the following ingredients:
- Our patented enzyme rich malt extract
- Medium chain triglycerides (from coconut oil)
- Potassium sorbate
For more details of the enzymes within EquiNectar® take a look at the ingredients and enzymes page.
How to feed
Simply add EquiNectar® to your horse's daily feed, using the Feeding Rate chart to determine the correct amount.
For detailed instructions about how to introduce EquiNectar, please read the comprehensive Feeding Guide page.