Rosemary Waring

Dr Rosemary Waring is a toxicologist with extensive experience in the gastro- and neuro-fields. After an undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, she carried out a PhD at the University of Birmingham where she also obtained her DSc degree and FRCPath qualification. Now retired as ‘Reader in Human Toxicology’ from the School of Biosciences at the University of Birmingham, she has honorary status there. She has been an examiner at international universities and an independent toxicology expert on both international panels (European Food Safety Authority for ‘Food Contact Materials’, EC DG- SANCO programme for ‘Cosmetic Ingredients’) and a wide range of UK Government panels. These included CoC (‘Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment’), PRiF (‘Pesticide Residues in Food’) and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate Appraisal Panel for ’Human Suspected Adverse Reactions’. She has published over 250 book chapters and peer-reviewed papers in the general field of toxicology. Her research interests include studies on pharmacogenetics, carcinogenicity, endocrine disrupters and the relative contributions of genetics and the environment to the development of chronic disease. Her research has been funded by the EC (she was co-ordinator for ‘Endomet’ in the 5th Framework programme, part of the CREDO cluster), the Wellcome Trust and the Ministry of Defence, among others. Currently, she is involved in the cutting-edge research programmes of Tharos and its sister company Ateria Health, using metabolomics and metagenomics to identify health-related changes in the gut microbiomes of humans and animals.

Why does eating grass make my horse irritable?

My name is Dr Rosemary Waring. I have spent my career as a toxicologist. I have a particular interest in digestion and the chemicals produced by the gut microbiome – when this complex mix of bacteria, viruses and fungi goes off-balance, a variety of toxic compounds are produced and these can lead to illness or poor functioning.

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Antibiotics and the Equine Microbiome

“My horse has been on antibiotics and now has soft droppings and seems a bit bloated, do you think there is a connection?”

To try to answer this, I have looked at the scientific literature to gain an understanding of the research surrounding antibiotics and their impact on the equine microbiome.

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Laminitis and the microbiome- what are the links?

Laminitis is a condition seen in animals with hooves, where there is inflammation of the lamella with ultimate failure of the suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx. Most studies have been on horses although donkeys, goats and bovines may also be affected. Several factors appear to be involved in the development of the condition which

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How gut health affects behaviour and mood in horses, humans and other animals

Dr Rosemary Waring provides the following review looking at the impact of feeding EquiNectar on mood and behaviour. Background Research in both man and animals has suggested that there is a ‘gut/brain’ axis, where the gut microbiome can modulate the expression of mood and behaviour, altering the tendency to depression, anxiety and repetitive behavioural patterns

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Your horse health – minerals

Horses absorb most minerals from their intestines, with the small intestine being the primary site of absorption. After a horse ingests food, the minerals are broken down by the digestive process and then absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine. From there, the minerals are transported to various parts of the body where they are used for various functions

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Phytase is an enzyme that breaks down phytic acid, which is found in plants. Phytic acid is a compound that binds to minerals, such as phosphorus and calcium, making them unavailable for absorption by the body. Phytase breaks down phytic acid, releasing the bound minerals and making them available for absorption by the body.

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Fructanase is an enzyme that breaks down fructans, which are complex sugars found in plants. Fructans are a type of polysaccharide, which are long chains of sugar molecules. Fructanase helps to break down these complex sugars into simpler sugars like glucose, which can be easily absorbed and utilized by the body.

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The role of xylanase in a horse is to break down complex sugars found in plant cell walls, such as xylan, into simpler sugars that the horse can use for energy. This process aids in the digestion of forage and hay, which are major components of a horse’s diet. By breaking down xylan, xylanase helps the horse to extract energy from these plant-based feeds and maintain their overall health and well-being.

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