
What is fructanase?

Fructanase is an enzyme that breaks down fructans, which are complex sugars found in plants. Fructans are a type of polysaccharide, which are long chains of sugar molecules. Fructanase helps to break down these complex sugars into simpler sugars like glucose, which can be easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Fructanase is commonly used in the food industry to improve the digestibility of plant-based products, and it can also be used in animal feeds to improve the digestibility of forage and hay.

Can horses eat too many fructans?

Yes, horses can eat too many fructans. Fructans are found in many plant-based feeds, such as forage and hay, and are an important source of energy for horses. However, consuming excessive amounts of fructans can lead to digestive issues and health problems. Fructans are fermented by bacteria in the hindgut, which can produce excess gas and cause digestive discomfort for the horse.

I’ve heard that grass contains fructans. Horses eat grass. Can this be problematic?

Yes, grass contains fructans, which can be problematic for horses if they consume excessive amounts. Fructans are complex sugars found in plants, and grass is a common source of fructans in a horse’s diet.

Cold nights and sunny days can lead to grass having high levels of fructans. How does this happen?

Cold nights and sunny days can lead to grass having high levels of fructans because these conditions are favourable for the production and accumulation of fructans in grass. Fructans are complex sugars found in plants, and they are produced by photosynthesis during the day. At night, when temperatures are cold, the plant’s metabolism slows down and the fructans are not used for energy. As a result, the fructans accumulate in the plant and can reach high levels in the grass. When the sun comes out again, the fructans continue to accumulate, leading to high levels in the grass.

How do horses produce fructanase?

Horses produce fructanase in their hindgut, which is the portion of the digestive system located after the small intestine.

How could supplementary fructanase help a horse’s digestion?

Supplementary fructanase can help a horse’s digestion by providing additional fructanase to break down the fructans it consumes in its diet. This can aid in the digestion of forage and hay, which are important sources of energy for horses. 

Can excess fructans upset a healthy microbiome?

Yes, excess fructans can upset a healthy microbiome. The microbiome is the community of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in the horse’s hindgut. Fructans are complex sugars found in plants, and they are fermented by bacteria in the hindgut. When a horse consumes excessive amounts of fructans, the bacteria in the hindgut can ferment the fructans, producing excess gas and leading to digestive discomfort for the horse. This can upset the balance of the hindgut microbiome

Could a fructanase supplement help maintain a healthy microbiome?

Yes, a fructanase supplement could help maintain a healthy microbiome.

Does EquiNectar contain fructanase?

Yes. The fructanase within EquiNectar comes from the sprouting barley grain that is the key ingredient in EquiNectar. It is a natural source of fructanase.